Loving your body

Hello Folks,

In a world that often tells us our bodies are not enough, it can be challenging to love ourselves fully. That's why I want to take a moment to remind you that your body is beautiful, unique, and worthy of love, just as it is.

Today, I'm drawing inspiration from the wonderful book by Sonya Renee Taylor; The Body Is Not an Apology. In her book, Taylor reminds us that our bodies are not problems to be solved but rather gifts to be cherished. Here are some tips from her book on how to love your body:

  • Practice self-love: This means making a conscious decision to love and accept your body for what it is without trying to change it to fit society's standards.

  • Surround yourself with positivity: This means getting rid of following social media pages and online icons who make you feel more critical of yourself.

  • Get rid of negative self-talk: Challenge those critical thoughts by speaking to yourself kindly, as you would to a friend. Challenge the shoulds/musts/need to's 

  • Celebrate your body's strengths: Focus on all the incredible things your body can do (with gratitude) rather than its perceived flaws.

  • Take care of yourself: For me, this has been about getting some quiet time in the morning before the kids arise and engaging in movement that feels good to me and eating nourishing and yummy foods that satisfy me.

    Remember, loving your body is a journey, and it's okay if it takes time. It's never too late to start embracing yourself and the unique body you were given. Keep reminding yourself that you are worthy of love, just as you are.

Thanks for reading, please do get in touch if you would like more information or help in this area.


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